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JOURNALS // Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur // Archive

TVT, 2012 Volume 50, Issue 1, Pages 89–95 (Mi tvt233)

This article is cited in 10 papers

Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics

Modeling of boiling of subcooled water and ethanol under conditions of pulsed heat generation in a wall

B. G. Pokusaeva, D. A. Nekrasova, E. A. Tairovb

a Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering (MGYIE), Staraya Basmannaya ul. 21/4, Moscow, 105066, Russia
b Melentev Institute of Power Engineering Systems, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Science, ul. Lermontova 130, Irkutsk, 664033, Russia

Abstract: Results of experimental investigation and mathematical modeling of boiling of subcooled water and ethanol under pulsed heat generation in a heater wall are presented. The defining steps of boiling, i.e., warming-up of the wall area, development of the vapor phase, and formation of the pressure wave, are considered. Beginning from some values of surface warming rates ($\sim3000$ K/s) and underheating ($\sim20$ K), the mechanisms of boiling of water and alcohol are demonstrated to be different.

UDC: 536.24

Received: 15.03.2011

 English version:
High Temperature, 2012, 50:1, 84–90

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