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JOURNALS // Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur // Archive

TVT, 1991 Volume 29, Issue 1, Pages 66–71 (Mi tvt4022)

Thermophysical Properties of Materials

Calculating high-temperature transfer coefficients on the basis of effective interaction potentials of atomic particles

A. P. Kalinin, V. B. Leonas, I. P. Rodionova

Institute for Problems in Mechanics, USSR Academy of Sciences

Abstract: For the collisions of atoms and molecules interacting with respect to several potential- energy surfaces, the concept of the effective potential is introduced. It gives a description of the elastic-scattering picture observed experimentally. In the present work, the possibility of using this effective interaction potential to calculate the high-temperature properties of dissociating gases is quantitatively analyzed. It is shown for the example of $\rm H(^1\rm S)$$\rm H(^1\rm S)$ and $\rm O(^3\rm P)$$\rm O(^3\rm P)$ that the error in determining the collision integrals for the temperature range $2000$$20{,}000$ Ê reaches $10\%$ for the first system but is no greater than $3$$6\%$ for the second.

UDC: 533.7+539.196.2+539.198

Received: 28.09.1989

 English version:
High Temperature, 1991, 29:1, 63–67

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