The influence of the initial $\mathrm{HCl}$-$\mathrm{Cl_2}$ mixture composition on stationary parameters and the composition of the DC glow discharge plasma ($p = 40$–$200$ Pa, $i_p = 15$–$35$ mA) is investigated. Calculated data on the energy distributions of electrons, the integral characteristics of the electron gas, and the plasma composition are obtained. The character of the influence of the initial mixture composition on the charged particle concentrations is shown to be governed by the dominant mechanism of their destruction at the given gas pressure. The composition of the neutral particles of the $\mathrm{HCl}$-$\mathrm{Cl_2}$ plasma, at a $0$–$20\%$$\mathrm{Cl}$ content, is shown to be formed mainly by atomic-molecular processes.