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JOURNALS // Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur // Archive

TVT, 2013 Volume 51, Issue 1, Pages 61–66 (Mi tvt56)

This article is cited in 3 papers

Thermophysical Properties of Materials

Heat capacity and electrophysical properties of $\mathrm{GdMeFe_2O_5}$($\mathrm{Me}$$\mathrm{Li}$, $\mathrm{Na}$, $\mathrm{K}$, $\mathrm{Cs}$)-type ferrites

Sh. B. Kasenovaa, Zh. I. Sagintaevaa, B. K. Kasenova, S. Zh. Davrenbekova, S. M. Sergazinab, E. K. Zhumadilovc

a AO Fitokhimia International Research-Industrial Holding, Gazalieva ul. 4, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan
b Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetaus State University, Abay ul. 76, Kokshetau, 020000, Republic of Kazakhstan
c Karaganda State Technical University, pr. Mira 56, Karaganda, 100009, Republic of Kazakhstan

Abstract: The heat capacity of $\mathrm{GdMeFe_2O_5}$($\mathrm{Me}$$\mathrm{Li}$, $\mathrm{Na}$, $\mathrm{K}$, $\mathrm{Cs}$) is investigated within the temperature range of $298.15$$673$ K by a calorimetric method. $\lambda$-points are revealed in the $C_p^\circ(T)$ curves at $448$ K and $598$ K in $\mathrm{GdLiFe_2O_5}$, at $473$ K and $573$ K in $\mathrm{GdNaFe_2O_5}$, at $448$ K and $598$ K in $\mathrm{GdKFe_2O_5}$, and at $448$ in $\mathrm{GdCsFe_2O_5}$ related to a phase transition of the second kind. The temperature dependencies are calculated for the thermodynamic functions $C_p^\circ(T)$, $H^\circ(T)-H^\circ(298.15)$, $S^\circ(T)$, and $\Phi^{**}(T)$. The electrophysical characteristics of the synthesized ferrites are studied within the temperature range of $303$$493$ K: Effects similar to those found in the $C_p^\circ(T)$ curves are also revealed in the $\log\varepsilon(T)$ and $\log R(T)$ curves. The compositions are shown to exhibit a semiconductor-type electrical conductivity. At the $T_{\text{cond}}$ points of the ferrites, the semiconductor-type conductivity changes the metal type one and both the capacities and permittivities vary sharply, and that may be related to a ferroelectric phase transition (the Curie and the Neel points). These effects provide a certain possibility to clarify the nature of the $\lambda$-points in the $C_p^\circ(T)$ curves.

UDC: 536.63+66.-971+546.65:72

Received: 12.10.2010

 English version:
High Temperature, 2013, 51:1, 54–59

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