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JOURNALS // Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur // Archive

TVT, 2011 Volume 49, Issue 6, Pages 880–886 (Mi tvt596)

This article is cited in 3 papers

Thermophysical Properties of Materials

Electrical Resistivity of a Solid Solution of $\alpha$–Titanium–Oxygen

E. A. Bel'skaya, E. Yu. Kulyamina

Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Abstract: Review, analysis, and generalization of experimental data on the electrical resistivity of solid solutions of $\alpha$–titanium–oxygen with an atomic content less than $c_{\mathrm{O}} \sim 10\%$ is performed. Numerical values of $d\rho(c_{\mathrm{O}})$/$dc_{\mathrm{O}}$ derivatives at temperatures of $77$ and $300$ K are obtained. The dependence $d\rho/dT$ as a function of $\rho_{293}$ and of the total oxygen content is built at room temperatures; and the $d\rho/dT = f(\rho_{293})$ analytical function is proposed for titanium. For titanium, the Matthiessen rule is shown not to be fulfilled even for a small amount of impurities. The experimental data on electrical resistivity of solutions of $\alpha$–titanium–oxygen, titanium, and monocrystalline titanium are approximated by an equation obtained within the framework of the two-band model approximation.

UDC: 537.3

Received: 20.09.2010

 English version:
High Temperature, 2011, 49:6, 849–855

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