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JOURNALS // Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur // Archive

TVT, 2010 Volume 48, Issue 1, Pages 44–51 (Mi tvt637)

This article is cited in 2 papers

Thermophysical Properties of Materials

Processes in high-temperature air involving molecules and atoms in excited electron states

S. A. Loseva, V. N. Yarygina

a Institute of Mechanics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Abstract: Analysis is made of kinetic processes involving electron states of atoms and molecules in the air behind the shock wave front. The electron states of atoms and molecules are formed in high-temperature air as a result of dissociation and recombination, in the processes of electron exchange of energy in collisions of particles, and in chemical exchange reactions. The fastest one of these processes is the process of formation of excited electron states under conditions of recombination of atoms and during isenergic transition of vibrational-to-electron energy from highly excited vibrational levels. The quenching of metastable particles occurs in collisions of particles, under conditions of dissociation and recombination, and in chemical exchange reactions. The data base for rate constants of electron energy exchange reactions in high-temperature air is demonstrated. Examples are given of description of vibrational energy exchange in electron-chemical reactions.

UDC: 541.4;544.42

PACS: 82.20.-w; 34.50.Fa

Received: 16.02.2009

 English version:
High Temperature, 2010, 48:1, 40–46

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