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JOURNALS // Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur // Archive

TVT, 2013 Volume 51, Issue 2, Pages 163–169 (Mi tvt69)

This article is cited in 11 papers

Plasma Investigations

Nonequilibrium state of highly ionized helium plasma at atmospheric pressure

E. Kh. Isakaev, V. F. Chinnov, M. A. Sargsyan, D. I. Kavyrshin

Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Izhorskaya ul. 13-2, Moscow, 127412, Russia

Abstract: A spectral study of arc helium plasma of atmospheric pressure with the electron density $n_e\leqslant10^{17}\text{ cm}^{-3}$ and the ionization degree of $\sim0.25$ is performed. The character of the population of $\mathrm{HeI}$ levels with the excitation energy of $20.96$$24.04$ eV, which indicates infeasibility of the Boltzmann law with the electron temperature $T_e$ for describing the relative population of excited $\mathrm{HeI}$ states, is experimentally determined. Due to the experimentally revealed unfitness of the local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) model for estimating $T_e$, mixed contours of the $\mathrm{HeI}$ $1083$ line were divided into the Lorentz and Gaussian components. As a result, both the Stark effect constant that is poorly studied for this line and the temperature of heavy particles $T_g$ in the plasma were estimated based on the Doppler component of its Gaussian half-width. As the arc current varied from $200$ to $400$ A, $T_g$ increased from $20000$ to $25 500$ K, while the increase in the ionization temperature was, in this case, negligible (from $20000$ to $21000$ K).

UDC: 535.343

Received: 29.06.2012

 English version:
High Temperature, 2013, 51:2, 141–146

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