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JOURNALS // Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur // Archive

TVT, 2010 Volume 48, Issue 2, Pages 206–209 (Mi tvt710)

This article is cited in 17 papers

Thermophysical Properties of Materials

The density and interdiffusion coefficients of bismuth-tin melts of eutectic and near-eutectic composition

R. A. Khairulina, S. V. Stankusa, R. N. Abdullaevb, V. M. Skljarchukc

a S.S. Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics, Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences
b Novosibirsk State University
c Ivan Franko State University of L'viv

Abstract: The method of gamma-raying of samples by a narrow beam of gamma radiation is used to investigate the temperature dependences of the density of bismuth-tin liquid alloys, which contain $30.0$, $44.0$, and $54.0$ at.$\%$ Bi, at temperatures from the liquidus line to $920$ K. The density jump in the case of solid-liquid phase transition is directly measured for the first time for an alloy of eutectic composition ($44.0$ at.$\%$ Bi). The temperature and concentration dependences of the thermal properties of the liquid Bi–Sn system are constructed. The kinetics of homogenization are studied of melts with average composition of $44.0$ and $54.0$ at.$\%$ Bi at temperatures from $550$ to $850$ K. The interdiffusion coefficients are determined from the results of these experiments.

UDC: 536.41:669.65'76+532.72:669.65'76

PACS: 61.25.Mv; 65.20.-w; 66.10.-x

Received: 24.02.2009

 English version:
High Temperature, 2010, 48:2, 188–191

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