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JOURNALS // Upravlenie Bol'shimi Sistemami // Archive

UBS, 2024 Issue 110, Pages 6–41 (Mi ubs1212)

Systems Analysis

Analysis of the aircraft control intelligence efficiency at the airline transport system level

V. V. Klochkovab, E. Varyukhinaa

a NRC “Zhukovsky Institute”, Moscow
b V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of RAS, Moscow

Abstract: Automation of aircraft control makes it possible to increase flight safety, the availability of air transportation, the quality of air transport services and reduce the impact on the environment. However, to increase the degree of automation, significant costs will be required for the development and implementation of appropriate systems. In order to be able to make a decision on the priority of developing certain aircraft control automation technologies, it is necessary to evaluate their effectiveness in a comprehensive manner. A methodological toolkit is proposed that allows one to evaluate the effectiveness of such technologies from an economic point of view, taking into account changes in the cost of pilots’ wages when implementing the technology and other costs. Using the proposed tools, an analysis of the conditions for the effective implementation of intelligent automation of aircraft control at the level of the air transport system was carried out. That is, a search is made for such passenger turnover values when the capacity of the markets that are opened by new technologies is non-zero when comparing dependencies. One of the dependencies shows at what maximum cost per passenger kilometer passengers will make a certain volume of flights, and the second shows the minimum acceptable cost per passenger kilometer at which aircraft manufacturers are ready to supply aircraft that allow a given volume of flights. It is concluded that increasing the degree of automation of aircraft control will be justified with the growth in the scale of the market for aviation works and services.

Keywords: control automation, aviation, artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, efficiency evaluation, air transport system.

UDC: 004.89:65.011
BBK: 39.52

Received: February 14, 2024
Published: July 31, 2024

DOI: 10.25728/ubs.2024.110.1

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025