We study the solvability of boundary value problem for a system of second order partial differential equations under boundary given conditions describing the equilibrium of elastic non-sloping isotropic inhomogeneous shells with free boundary in the framework of the Timoshenko shear model. The base of the study method are the integral representations for generalized motions involving arbitrary functions, which also involve arbitrary holomorphic functions. The arbitrary functions ate determined so that the generalized motions satisfy a linear system of equations and linear boundary conditions extracted from the original boundary value problem. The holomorphic functions are sought as Cauchy type integrals with real densities. The integral representations allow us to reduce the initial boundary value problem to a nonlinear operator equations for generalized motions in the Sobolev space. While studying the solvability of this operator equation, the most essential point is to invert it with respect to the linear part. As a result, the work is reduced to an equation, the solvability of which is established on the base of the contracting mapping principle.
Keywords:non-sloping isotropic inhomogeneous Timoshenko-type shell of zero principal curvature, nonlinear boundary value problem, partial differential equations, generalized solution, holomorphic function, operator equation, existence theorem.