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JOURNALS // Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk // Archive

UFN, 2024 Volume 194, Number 3, Pages 336–343 (Mi ufn15703)


On the problem of detecting Majorana fermions in heat capacity and Hall effect measurements in the Kondo insulator YbB$_{12}$

A. N. Azarevichab, A. V. Bogacha, S. Yu. Gavrilkinc, S. V. Demishevade, N. E. Sluchankoa

a Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
b Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region
c Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
d Vereshchagin Institute for High Pressure Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
e National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow

Abstract: We show that the separation of contributions to low-temperature heat capacity and the Hall effect, carried out in Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 257206 (2018), Nat. Phys. 15 954 (2019), Phys. Rev. X 12 021050 (2022), leads to unfounded conclusions about (i) the formation of uncharged quasiparticles (Majorana fermions) and (ii) the transition, as the magnetic field increases, to the metallic state with heavy fermions in the $\rm YbB_{12}$ semiconductor with strong electronic correlations. We obtain an alternative explanation of the experimental data in terms of the filamentary structure of conducting channels in the semiconductor matrix of ytterbium-based dodecaborides. Such channels (charge stripes) are nanoscale electron-density inhomogeneities and form manybody states near the Fermi level.

PACS: 71.27.+a, 73.22.-f, 75.47.-m

Received: May 25, 2023
Accepted: June 20, 2023

DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.2023.06.039405

 English version:
Physics–Uspekhi, 2024, 67:3, 314–321

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