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JOURNALS // Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk // Archive

UFN, 2015 Volume 185, Number 4, Pages 415–429 (Mi ufn5024)

This article is cited in 20 papers


Foreshocks and aftershocks of strong earthquakes in the light of catastrophe theory

A. V. Guglielmi

Shmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Scienses

Abstract: In this review, general ideas and specific results from catastrophe theory and the theory of critical phenomena are applied to the analysis of strong earthquakes. Aspects given particular attention are the sharp rise in the fluctuation level, the increased reactivity of dynamical systems in the near-threshold region, and other anomalous phenomena similar to critical opalescence. Given the lack of a sufficiently complete theory of earthquakes, this appears to be a valid approach to the analysis of observations. The study performed brought out some nontrivial properties of a strong-earthquake source that manifest themselves both before and after the main rupture discontinuity forms at the mainshock. In the course of the analysis of the foreshocks and aftershocks, such concepts as the round-the-world seismic echo, the cumulative effect of converging surface waves on the epicentral zone, and global seismicity modulation by Earth's free oscillations are introduced. Further research in this field is likely to be interesting and promising.

PACS: 91.30.-f, 91.30.Px

MSC: 86A16

Received: May 23, 2014
Accepted: November 7, 2014

DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0185.201504f.0415

 English version:
Physics–Uspekhi, 2015, 58:4, 384–397

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