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JOURNALS // Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk // Archive

UFN, 2008 Volume 178, Number 5, Pages 481–488 (Mi ufn595)

This article is cited in 61 papers


A dynamic model of the wormhole and the Multiverse model

A. A. Shatskiia, I. D. Novikovbca, N. S. Kardasheva

a Astro-Space Centre of the P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
b Russian Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute"
c Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark

Abstract: An analytic solution methodology for general relativity (GR) equations describing the hypothetical phenomenon of wormholes is presented and the analysis of wormholes in terms of their physical properties is discussed. An analytic solution of the GR equations for static and dynamic spherically symmetric wormholes is given. The dynamic solution generally describes a ‘traversable’ wormhole, i.e., one allowing matter, energy, and information to pass through it. It is shown how the energy–momentum tensor of matter in a wormhole can be represented in a form allowing the GR equations to be solved analytically, which has a crucial methodological importance for analyzing the properties of the solution obtained. The energy–momentum tensor of wormhole matter is represented as a superposition of a spherically symmetric magnetic (or electric) field and negative-density dust matter, serving as exotic matter necessary for a ‘traversable’ wormhole to exist. The dynamics of the model are investigated. A similar model is considered (and analyzed in terms of inflation) for the Einstein equations with a $\Lambda$ term. Superposing enough dust matter, a magnetic field, and a $\Lambda$ term can produce a static solution, which turns out to be a spherical Multiverse model with an infinite number of wormhole-connected spherical universes. This Multiverse can have its total energy positive everywhere in space, and in addition can be out of equilibrium (i.e., dynamic).

PACS: 04.20.-q, 04.40.-b, 04.70.-s

Received: February 12, 2008
Revised: March 31, 2008

DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0178.200805c.0481

 English version:
Physics–Uspekhi, 2008, 51:5, 457–464

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