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JOURNALS // Uchenyye zapiski UlGU. Seriya "Matematika i informatsionnyye tekhnologii" // Archive

Uchenyye zapiski UlGU. Seriya "Matematika i informatsionnyye tekhnologii", 2020 Issue 2, Pages 72–79 (Mi ulsu15)

Construction and numerical analysis of a mathematical model of switching processes in electrical systems

A. Yu. Frolov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia

Abstract: A mathematical model of electrical switching describing the process of current flow in a conductor with variable electrical conductivity is constructed. Switching modeling is based on the numerical solution of a generalized system of Maxwell's equations. The dependences of the electric field, current density, and charge density in the conductor on the electrical conductivity at the switching point are obtained. A numerical analysis of the obtained dependences is performed. The proposed mathematical model can be used to study switching processes in both conventional conductors and plasma.

Keywords: mathematical modeling, generalized Maxwell equations, commutation, variable electrical conductivity.

UDC: 519.63

Received: 01.10.2020
Revised: 06.11.2020
Accepted: 19.12.2020

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