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JOURNALS // Uchenyye zapiski UlGU. Seriya "Matematika i informatsionnyye tekhnologii" // Archive

Uchenyye zapiski UlGU. Seriya "Matematika i informatsionnyye tekhnologii", 2023 Issue 1, Pages 165–170 (Mi ulsu168)

Solving production load balancing problems in the Anylogic environment

G. A. Khisamutdinovaab, I. A. Sannikovb

a Branch of PJSC “Il”- Aviastar, Ulyanovsk, Russia
b Ulyanovsk State University, Russia

Abstract: The problem of balancing the load of the production of aircraft parts is considered on the example of a mechanical-frame shop using simulation modeling in the AnyLogic environment to analyze and find bottlenecks.

Keywords: detail flow, simulation, parts flow balancing, AnyLogic.

UDC: 004.942

Received: 10.05.2023
Revised: 26.05.2023

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025