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JOURNALS // Uchenyye zapiski UlGU. Seriya "Matematika i informatsionnyye tekhnologii" // Archive

Uchenyye zapiski UlGU. Seriya "Matematika i informatsionnyye tekhnologii", 2023 Issue 1, Pages 180–184 (Mi ulsu170)

On weak invertibility in analytic Herz type spaces of several variables

R. F. Shamoyana, D. S. Ermakovab

a Saratov State University, Russia
b Bryansk State University, Russia

Abstract: We extend some known results on weak invertibility in Bergman type spaces to Herz type spaces in the unit ball and polydisk. For our proofs in more general than Bergman type spaces Herz type spaces we modify approaches that were used earlier in the study of various weakly invertible elements in Bergman type spaces in the polydisk and in the unit ball. In onedimensional case the problem of weak invertibility was considered by many authors.

Keywords: weak invertibility, Bergman type spaces, Herz type spaces, unit ball, polydisk.

UDC: 517.5

Received: 06.04.2023
Revised: 24.04.2023

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