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JOURNALS // Uchenyye zapiski UlGU. Seriya "Matematika i informatsionnyye tekhnologii" // Archive

Uchenyye zapiski UlGU. Seriya "Matematika i informatsionnyye tekhnologii", 2020 Issue 1, Pages 72–88 (Mi ulsu28)

Algorithms of functioning a distributed humanoid robotic system "ALKETON-UlSUğ

A. V. Kudryashova, E. O. Shlemenkovaa, A. A. Chichevb, E. G. Chekalb

a National University of Science and Technology «MISIS», Moscow
b Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russia

Abstract: The paper describes the functioning algorithms of a prototype of the distributed humanoid robotic system "ALKETON-UlGU". Algorithms for registering robots, registering and authorizing users, connecting to a system server, controlling robots, using Yandex SpeechKit and CMU Sphinx speech synthesis and recognition systems are presented. The question-answer subsystem is described, which provides the search for the answer to the question and the transmission of the video image.

Keywords: robotic system, humanoid robot, robotics, robot, robotic control systems, information technology.

UDC: 004.896:621.865

Received: 15.01.2020
Revised: 28.04.2020
Accepted: 13.05.2020

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