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JOURNALS // Proceedings of the Yerevan State University, series Physical and Mathematical Sciences // Archive

Proceedings of the YSU, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2019 Volume 53, Issue 2, Pages 91–100 (Mi uzeru572)


On the dimension of spaces of algebraic curves passing through $n$-independent nodes

H. A. Hakopiana, H. M. Kloyanb

a Yerevan State University
b Yerevan State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics

Abstract: Let the set of nodes $X$ in the plain be $n$-independent, i.e. each node has a fundamental polynomial of degree $n$. Suppose also that $|X|= (n+1)+n+\cdots+(n-k+4)+2$ and $3\leq k\leq n-1$. In this paper we prove that there can be at most 4 linearly independent curves of degree less than or equal to $k$ passing through all the nodes of $X$. We provide a characterization of the case when there are exactly four such curves. Namely, we prove that then the set $X$ has a very special construction: all its nodes but two belong to a (maximal) curve of degree $k-2$. At the end, an important application to the Gasca–Maeztu conjecture is provided.

Keywords: Algebraic curves, $n$-independent nodes, maximal curves, Gasca–Maeztu conjecture.

MSC: 14H50, 41A05, 41A63

Received: 25.03.2019
Revised: 17.04.2019
Accepted: 23.04.2019

Language: English

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