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JOURNALS // Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics // Archive

Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2010 Number 2, Pages 153–157 (Mi vagtu197)


The principle of design of multimedia applied robotized devices

I. A. Golubkin, S. A. Kirilin, I. A. Shcherbatov

Astrakhan State Technical University

Abstract: The principles of working out of mobile robotized complexes applied for solution of the tasks of applied character. Training processes and advertising activity are considered as fields of activity in which the early similar mechanisms have never been used. The complete functional scheme of hardware and software package with the detailed description of each block is synthesized. The scheme takes into account the main functions which any intellectual device must perform such as energy consumption; transformation of consumed energy into specified one; energy release for purpose achievement and self-preservation; reception of information from an environment or from the administrative subject; granting of the possibility to the person to supervise the performance of the set purposes and formation of the new ones and etc. The main components of the complex are: a control device, the information-measuring system including a set of sensor controls for spatial orientation, the service module, the interface of engine control, the module of remote control with a feedback, the device of synchronization with displays, the scheme of management and food regulation.

Keywords: the robotised devices, intellectual robots, artificial intellect.

UDC: 004.896.001.63:[659.1:378.16]

Received: 12.01.2010
Revised: 28.06.2010

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2024