The paper considers the use of the state-space method as the most useful for assessment of the availability of marine radio aids. In order to implement the method, a functional model for the marine radar as a marked state and transition graph is designed, state subsets with cumulative containment probability, which allows to find the availability index for the marine radar (or availability of any marine radar status), are chosen. Representing the functioning of the marine radar as the Markov’s process, finding the analytical form of the availability index in relation with the state and transition graph of the marine radar become possible due to recording of the infinitesimal matrix and algebraic equation system for the probabilistic determination of radar aids in any states. While solving the equations, an expression for the availability index as well as expressions for the probability of containment of the marine radar in any state are received. The method under discussion and the received analytical dependencies allow to evaluate the influence of the parameters of the marine radar functioning on their availability as well as to define due to what changes of the parameters, what directions and what capacity one can increase the availability index to the set level under various conditions.
Keywords:marine radio aids, methodology, mathematical models of availability assessment, availability, indicators, dynamics of the operation, application mode and conditions.