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JOURNALS // Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics // Archive

Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2015 Number 4, Pages 110–117 (Mi vagtu408)

This article is cited in 1 paper


Mathematical model the efficiency of the staff depending on the intensity institutional interventions

A. I. Azhmukhamedov, O. M. Protalinskiy

Astrakhan State Technical University

Abstract: As in the work of any organization the most important factor determining the success of its work is competent management personnel, there is a need to develop methods for the solution of this task, which takes into account uncertainties associated with the presence of anthropogenic factor. One of the methods of personnel management, along with the composition and structure of anthropogenic subsystems, as well as motivational and information control, is the institutional impact on employees. This type of control provides for the regulation of the conduct of entities by introducing restrictions and consolidating certain norms. Institutional governance mechanisms are aimed at reducing the overall uncertainty in the system and contribute to its structuring, making the interaction between subsystems, as well as elements of the social subsystem among themselves, more precise and predictable. However, on the other hand, excessive regulation poses a sharp decline in loyalty to the individual subjects and as a consequence to a catastrophic drop in the effectiveness of the functioning of the social subsystem as a whole. Accordingly, the paper presents the formula experimentally verified by the example of commercial bank loan department that allows you to describe the dependence of the efficiency of the work of the social subsystem on the intensity of the adopted measures of the institutional nature. The high value of the correlation coefficient between the theoretical and experimental data allowed us to draw a conclusion about the correctness of the chosen approach to the description of the studied dependence. By the results of the study, the general algorithm introducing institutional measures of impact on staff is proposed.

Keywords: institutional governance, personnel loyalty, limitation of activities, performance, correlation coefficient.

UDC: 007:681.518.2

Received: 29.07.2015
Revised: 30.09.2015

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025