The paper considers the problem of increasing the load on teachers on the preparation of the documentation accompanying the educational process. In the context of new Federal state educational standards of higher education (FSES) 3+ in the formation of educational plans and academic programs it is necessary to take into account the dependence of the competencies on a set of disciplines, the relations between the studied disciplines that require frequent updating and matching with employers. Such tasks are characterized with a large volume of information and complexity of relationships of the analyzed factors. It may lead to errors and inconsistent estimations in the preparation of the academic programs by the teachers, and in future it can lead to claims from the auditors of the quality management system of education. The described approaches will solve the problem of automated formation of the educational programs of the academic disciplines. Time saving and minimization of gaps in the educational programs will improve the training process at the university through special software, capable of processing information in plans and programs in order to reveal their imperfections and contradictions. The requirements of the FSES 3+ are analyzed, the algorithm for the automated generation of the educational program of the discipline is presented and the major interfaces of the developed application, workspaces of the developed software product for creating educational programs of disciplines are shown.