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JOURNALS // Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics // Archive

Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2018 Number 2, Pages 17–25 (Mi vagtu526)


Mathematical model of determining the degree of atmospheric pollution by emissions of chemical substances

E. V. Kushelevaa, A. F. Rezchikovb, V. A. Kushnikovb, V. A. Ivashchenkob, A. S. Bogomolovb, E. V. Kushnikovab, L. Yu. Filimonyukb, M. A. Barulinab

a Saratov State University
b Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract: The article focuses on the problems of environmental monitoring of atmospheric pollutant distribution and determining air contamination on the controlled areas. In the course of solving the designated problems there has been developed a mathematical model that allows to predict the dynamics of distribution of dangerous chemicals emitted into the atmosphere in the result of emergency, and to determine the change of their concentration in the course of the time. There was built a difference scheme for a numerical solution of the differential equation of turbulent diffusion, and given a proof of its conditional stability both for general and special cases. The developed program product helps to carry out necessary calculations and to demonstrate the dynamics of distributing the tail of atmospheric pollutant. The results of experimental computations confirming the adequacy of the proposed model have been presented.

Keywords: mathematical model, turbulent diffusion equation, difference scheme, numerical method.

UDC: 519.6

Received: 15.09.2017

DOI: 10.24143/2072-9502-2018-2-17-25

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