The work represents the results of analysis of electro-telluric potentials data obtained at the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk test site (deployed in June 2023on the territory of the IMGG FEB RAS). Unexpectedly, a new kind of signals – series of quasiperiodic spikes (pulses) in night times were found in first few months after start of recording. Signals of 4-5 s length and of 130-150 s repetition period have a various waveform, which is derived from some primary quasi-sinusoidal signal. Such series were recorded from July 20 to September 11, 2023, and their average duration was nearly 8-9 hours. No episodes were found after September 12, up to December 20. The maximal intensity of the signals and the series as a whole was revealed in the period from 5 to 10 August. During this period the moderate earthquake M=3.8 occurred on 9 August, 2003 in the vicinity of measurement point (within a circular zone of 0.25 degrees radius around the test site) It was the strongest event from pair of that occurred in the given zone, the magnitudes were being M = 3.8 (08/09/2023) and M = 3.1 (09/19/2023). No similar series were observed before the second earthquake, being the weaker. Origination of quasiperiodic pulses series could be related to the preparedness of earthquake source – site. However extra surveys are required to proof this hypothesis.
Keywords:series of electrical signals, precursor, telluric field, earthquake, distorted signal.