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JOURNALS // Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 1. Matematika. Mekhanika // Archive

Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 1982 Number 6, Pages 28–31 (Mi vmumm3584)

This article is cited in 2 papers


A lower bound for the codimension of the $\mu=\operatorname{const}$ stratum in terms of the mixed Hodge structure

A. N. Varchenko

Abstract: We show that the codimension of the strata $\mu=\operatorname{const}$ in the versal deformation base of a germ of a holomorphic function at a finitely degenerated critical point is, not less then the number of those spectral numbers for the mixed Hodge structure of the critical point of the germ which are less then $1+\beta$ where $\beta$ is the complex degree of singularity of the point.

UDC: 513.83

Received: 15.01.1982

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