Highly reliable estimations of the ice gouging impact on sea bottom and of the depth of the sea ice formations penetration in the bottom ground are highly necessary for designing underwater pipelines or cables in the Arctic and other freezing seas. Under the dynamic influence of ice formations, specific ice gouging forms appear on the sea bottom: ice gouges and extrusion depressions. Their size and spatial distribution are indirect signs of the ice gouging intensity. As a result of field observations conducted by SOI and MSU on the Western Yamal shelf, different types of ice gouging forms at depths from 12 to 26 m have been revealed. The mechanism of their formation has been reconstructed. A strong correlation between the ice gouging forms distribution and parameters and current sea depth together with the bottom macro-relief has been observed. These results have allowed us to verify and upgrade mathematical models of ice hummocks impact on the sea bottom ground developed earlier.
Keywords:Kara Sea, Yamal peninsula coastal zone, hydro-technical infrastructure, sea ice, ice effect on bottom, ice gouging processes, ice forms of bottom topography, types and mechanism of ice impact, simulation.