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JOURNALS // Journal of Samara State Technical University, Ser. Physical and Mathematical Sciences // Archive

Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.], 2013 Issue 2(31), Pages 91–100 (Mi vsgtu1231)

This article is cited in 1 paper

Discrete Mathematics

Conditions of separability of weight factors from the sums with members of sequences of two aspects

A. I. Nikonov

Samara State Technical University, Samara, 443100, Russia

Abstract: Representation of conditions of separability of integer weight factors from the sequences organizing a basis of enciphering is described. Two aspects of such sequences are considered: a geometrical progression and sequence with equal powers of natural numbers. These sequences of constant signs and alternating sequences are used when generating the relative summarized residuals, expression of each of which is located in a central part of a double inequality. Definition of conditions of separability involving the residual sequence — a geometrical progression is made with reference to its common ratio, and conditions of separability involving the the residual sequence containing equal powers of natural numbers, are found using the accompanying function introduced with reference to integer arguments of formed values of relative summarized residuals.

Keywords: separability conditions, weight factors, free multipliers, summarized residual, relative summarized residual, an exterior member.

UDC: 519.72:004.056.55

MSC: 68P25

Original article submitted 17/IV/2013
revision submitted – 17/V/2013

DOI: 10.14498/vsgtu1231

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