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JOURNALS // Journal of Samara State Technical University, Ser. Physical and Mathematical Sciences // Archive

Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.], 2014 Issue 2(35), Pages 50–63 (Mi vsgtu1275)

This article is cited in 3 papers

Functional Analysis

Investigations of the Numerical Range of a Operator Matrix

T. H. Rasulov, E. B. Dilmurodov

Bukhara State University, Bukhara, 200100, Uzbekistan

Abstract: We consider a $2\times2$ operator matrix $A$ (so-called generalized Friedrichs model) associated with a system of at most two quantum particles on ${\mathrm d}-$ dimensional lattice. This operator matrix acts in the direct sum of zero- and one-particle subspaces of a Fock space. We investigate the structure of the closure of the numerical range $W(A)$ of this operator in detail by terms of its matrix entries for all dimensions of the torus ${\mathbf T}^{\mathrm d}$. Moreover, we study the cases when the set $W(A)$ is closed and give necessary and sufficient conditions under which the spectrum of $A$ coincides with its numerical range.

Keywords: operator matrix, generalized Friedrichs model, Fock space, numerical range, point and approximate point spectra, annihilation and creation operators, first Schur compliment.

UDC: 517.984

MSC: 81Q10, 35P20, 47N50

Original article submitted 17/XI/2013
revision submitted – 24/XII/2013

DOI: 10.14498/vsgtu1275

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