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JOURNALS // Journal of Samara State Technical University, Ser. Physical and Mathematical Sciences // Archive

Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.], 2019 Volume 23, Number 4, Pages 705–723 (Mi vsgtu1701)

Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Software Complexes

Modeling of the extracellular information field influence in dynamics of the formation and development risks of a cancer tumor

O. I. Artemova, V. D. Krevchik, M. B. Semenov

Penza State University, Penza, 440026, Russian Federation

Abstract: The dynamic nonlinear 2D model of the extracellular information field influence in the dynamics of risks of the cancer tumor formation and development has been considered. Physical properties of the extracellular matrix, availability of nutrients, oxygen concentration, pH of the extracellular matrix, interaction with stromal cells, and etc. are considered as the main external parameters forming the informational metabolic potential. Within the framework of the constructed 2D analytical model, it has been shown that microinteraction through the extracellular matrix of emerging cancer cells through a dynamic informational metabolic profile significantly influences the risk dynamics of the formation and development of a cancer tumor. It is shown that, depending on the structure of the 2D informational metabolic profile, a number of characteristic nonlinear features such as 2D bifurcations, beats, chaos, imposed on integral dynamic curves resembling by the Gompertz function, describing the probable risks of the formation and development of a cancerous tumor, are appeared. A comparison of the results of our analytical model under consideration with the results of the modeling of other authors on the consideration of chaotic and bifurcation dynamics in the “tumor–immune cluster–virus” system has been made. As a result of the quantitative estimations carried out within framework of the proposed theoretical model, we can formulate a method for assessing the risks of developing malignant neoplasms, characterized in that subfebrile temperature, caspase level, colposcopic Raid index, which determine the threshold for the formation of malignant neoplasms, and identified as the risk factors.

Keywords: extracellular information field, bifurcation and chaotic dynamics, models of the formation and development of a cancer tumor.

UDC: 517.958:57

MSC: 37N25, 92C17, 37H20

Received: May 8, 2019
Revised: November 5, 2019
Accepted: November 11, 2019
First online: December 5, 2019

DOI: 10.14498/vsgtu1701

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