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JOURNALS // Journal of Samara State Technical University, Ser. Physical and Mathematical Sciences // Archive

Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.], 2011 Issue 1(22), Pages 140–150 (Mi vsgtu861)

Procedings of the 2nd International Conference "Mathematical Physics and its Applications"
Mathematical Physics

Nonlocal boundary value problem for a Lykov's type system of first-order

O. A. Repina, S. K. Kumykovab

a Dept. of Mathematical Statistics and Econometrics, Samara State Economic University, Samara
b Dept. of Function Theory, Kabardino-Balkar State University, Nal'chik

Abstract: In this paper we prove the unique solution of the problem with a shift to a Lykov's type system of differential equations of first order. The proof is given for different values of the generalized operators of fractional integro-differentiation included in the boundary condition.

Keywords: nonlocal value boundary problem, system of differential equations, integral equations.

UDC: 517.956.32

MSC: Primary 35L50; Secondary 35Q05, 47G20, 34B10

Original article submitted 20/XII/2010
revision submitted – 26/II/2011

DOI: 10.14498/vsgtu861

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