The paper presents a study of wavenumbers of coupled harmonic thermoelastic waves propagating via an infinite circular cylinder for higher azimuthal order. Heat interchanging between sidewall of the waveguide and environment is assumed. The analysis is carried in the frameworks of coupled generalized thermoelasticity theory of type III (GNIII-thermoelasticity). This theory synthesizes thermodiffusion and wave mechanisms of heat transfer in solids including as limiting cases both the theories: classical thermoelasticity (GNI/CTE) and the theory of hyperbolic thermoelasticity (GNII). The latter permits field-theoretic formulation and leads to the field equations of hyperbolic analytical type. The two principal problems: separation of 32 independent single-valued square radicals involved in the frequency equation and more accurate computation of the real-valued wavenumbers are resolved and discussed.
Keywords:thermomechanics, type III thermoelasticity, cross-coupled wave, frequency equation, waveguide, heat interchanging, wavenumber.