Water-oil contact moving task has a high significance in a waterflooding theory: it’s possible to improve oil recovering characteristics due to prediction of flow features for both liquids – oil and water displaced it. There is the simplest mathematical pattern for conjoint oil-water flow presenting: it is called “versicolor” liquids model and it suggests making oil and water physically identical to simplify solving process for water-oil contact moving task. However, another pattern was used in research described in this paper: it is called pistonlike displacement model and it supposes that oil and water physical characteristics, for example, viscosities, may be different. As for the oil-keeping reservoir pattern used in this research it was presented as homogeneous and infinity, with fixed thickness: furthermore its surface was covered by dual periodical lattice included production and injection wells in its cells.
Keywords:waterflooding, piston-like displacement of oil by water, oil-water boundary, flood front, tracing task, singular integral equation, Weierstrass dzetta-function, areal sweep efficiency, waterbreak time.