The review presents the models on a change in the stress-strain state of the eye shell after vision correction operations and a change in intraocular pressure with the introduction of drugs into the vitreous body. All mathematical models were developed in collaboration with ophthalmologists. Mathematical models that describe the process of determining the true intraocular pressure (IOP) by applanation methods are discussed. New results in solid mechanics were obtained while studying ocular biomechanics problems. For example, the problem of the stability of a spherical shell subjected to a concentrated force and internal pressure was solved and the stability of the axisymmetric equilibrium state of annular inhomogeneous orthotropic plates under normal pressure was studied. The stress-strain states of transversely isotropic spherical and cylindrical layers subjected to internal and external pressures are discussed and the solutions obtained in the framework of the three-dimensional theory are compared with the solutions obtained by non-classical shell theories. This comparison made it possible to assess the accuracy of approximate theories.
Keywords:mathematical modelling, intraocular pressure, shell theory models.