This paper considers instrumental support issues of complex technological objects modelling on the level of container library design for the purposes of vector object-oriented 2D open-text formatted schemes real-time dynamic displaying. Guaranteed rapid key-string search allows presenting the graphical objects as variable structures — string-indexed associative containers of mutable-typed attributes, simplifying visualization system development and maintenance under simulated objects types and dynamic behavior patterns indeterminacy condition. Displaying system efficiency becomes critically dependent from attribute key-string look-up duration as modelled object complexity increases and reveals in great amount of scheme graphical objects, reaching several thousands. Besides this feature, container library must answer some other specific requirements. This article enumerates them and suggests applicable implementation. The present paper also adduces the results of test, estimating insertion and look-up speed, performed for designed container class and its analogues provided by STL and Qt. Refs 12. Figs 4.