This article is cited in
1 paper
Scientific articles
Asymptotic expansion of a solution for one singularly perturbed optimal control problem with a convex integral quality index depends on slow variables and smooth control constraints
A. A. Shaburov Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
The paper deals with the problem of optimal control with a convex integral quality index depends on slow variables for a linear steady-state control system with a fast and slow variables in the class of piecewise continuous controls with a smooth control constraints
\dot{x}_{\varepsilon} = A_{11}x_{\varepsilon}+A_{12}y_{\varepsilon}+B_{1}u, &
t\in[0,T], \qquad
\|u\|\leqslant 1,\\
\varepsilon\dot{y}_{\varepsilon} = A_{21}x_{\varepsilon}+A_{22}y_{\varepsilon}+B_{2}u, &
x_{\varepsilon}(0)=x^{0}, \quad y_{\varepsilon}(0)=y^{0},\\
J_\varepsilon(u):= \varphi(f(x_{\varepsilon}(T)) +
\int_0^T \|u(t)\|^2\,dt\rightarrow \min,
$ u\in\mathbb{R}^{r}$;
$i,j=1,2$ — are constant matrices of the corresponding dimension, and
$\varphi(\cdot)$ – is the strictly convex and cofinite function that is continuously differentiable in
$\mathbb{R}^{n}$ in the sense of convex analysis. In the general case, Pontryagin's maximum principle is a necessary and sufficient optimum condition for the optimization of a such a problem. The initial vector of the conjugate state
$l_\varepsilon$ is the unique vector, thus determining the optimal control. It is proven that in the case of a finite number of control switching points, the asymptotics of the vector
$l_\varepsilon$ has the character of a power series.
optimal control, singular perturbation problems, asymptotic expansions, small parameter.
517.977 Received: 17.01.2019