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JOURNALS // Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics // Archive

Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences, 2018 Volume 23, Issue 123, Pages 368–376 (Mi vtamu35)

Scientific articles

On stability control of a parabolic systems with distributed parameters on the graph

A. P. Zhabkoa, V. V. Provotorovb, E. N. Provotorovac

a St. Petersburg State University
b Voronezh State University
c Voronezh State Technical University

Abstract: The work is an attempt to demonstrate the concept of sustainability in the undisturbed state Lyapunov differential system for equations with partial derivatives, and show the ability to use a famous classical results in the studied case.

Keywords: system of parabolic equations, distributed parameters on the graph, initial-boundary value problem, equivalent of Lyapunov stability.

UDC: 517.929.4

Received: 18.04.2018

DOI: 10.20310/1810-0198-2018-23-123-368-376

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