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JOURNALS // Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Matematika i Mekhanika // Archive

Vestn. Tomsk. Gos. Univ. Mat. Mekh., 2010 Number 3(11), Pages 61–68 (Mi vtgu144)


Local compactness and homeomorphisms of spaces of continuous functions

T. E. Khmyleva, A. E. Kirienko

Tomsk State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

Abstract: In this paper we prove that
1) the spaces $C_p(S)$ and $C_p(T)$ of all continuous functions in the topology of pointwise convergence are not linearly homeomorphic if $S,T$ are not locally compact metrizable while the derivation set $T^{(1)}$ is compact and the derivation set $S^{(1)}$ is not;
2) the spaces $C_K(X)$ and $C_K(Y)$ of all continuous functions in the compact-open topology are not homeomorphic if $X$ and $Y$ are completely regular spaces while $X$ is locally compact and $\sigma$-compact and there is a point $y_0\in Y$ of countable character such that every neighborhood of it is not a pseudocompact.

Keywords: spaces of all continuous functions, linear homeomorphism, homeomorphism, metrizable space, locally compact space, topology of pointwise convergence, compact-open topology.

UDC: 517.122

Accepted: June 21, 2010

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