The physicochemical processes associated with combustion and flame propagation in various technological devices and in natural fires are realized under conditions of turbulence. Traditionally, in experimental studies of combustion processes, thermocouples are used to determine the temperature fields in a flame. The methods of thermography allow us to abandon the use of thermocouples and at the same time obtain information on the temperature distribution with good spatial and temporal resolution. In this paper we present the results of an investigation of the influence of sound perturbations on the combustion process. As combustible materials liquid hydrocarbon fuels (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel) and vegetable combustible materials (a mixture of field combustible materials, pine needles, pine wood, cedar wood) were used. To measure the flow velocity in a turbulent flame, the contactless optical method of flow diagnostics was used - particle image velocimetry (PIV) method. The intensity of the IR radiation of the flame and the temperature distribution in the flame were registered with the JADE J530SB thermal imager. As a result, a good agreement was reached on the estimation of the size of the vortex structures obtained using PIV and the dimensions of the temperature inhomogeneities recorded by means of IR thermography in a flame.