We consider the nonlinear evolutionary operator equation
of the second kind as follows
$\varphi\in W[0;T]\subset L_q\bigl([0;T];X\bigr)$,
with Volterra type operators
$\mathcal{F}\colon L_p\bigl([0;\tau];Y\bigr)\to W[0;T]$,
$W[0;T]\to L_p\bigl([0;T];Y\bigr)$
of the general form,
a control $u\in\mathcal{D}$
and arbitrary Banach spaces $X$, $Y$.
For this equation we prove
theorems on solution uniqueness and
sufficient conditions for
totally (with respect to set $\mathcal{D}$)
global solvability.
Under natural hypotheses associated with
pointwise in $t\in[0;T]$ estimates
the conclusion on univalent totally global solvability
is made provided global solvability for
a comparison system which is some system of
functional integral equations (it could be
replaced by a system of equations of analogous type,
and in some cases, of ordinary differential equations)
with respect to unknown functions
As an example we establish sufficient conditions of
univalent totally global solvability for a controlled
nonlinear nonstationary Navier–Stokes system.
Keywords:nonlinear evolutionary operator equation of the second kind, totally global solvability, Navier–Stokes system.