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JOURNALS // Mathematical Physics and Computer Simulation // Archive

Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 1. Mathematica. Physica, 2014 Issue 6(25), Pages 18–28 (Mi vvgum27)


Kinematical properties of the thick disk of galaxy as based on the catalog by Breddles et al.

N. O. Budanova, V. I. Korchagin

Research Institute of Physics of Southern Federal University

Abstract: The catalogs of stars' radial velocities such as RAVE act as the source of unique data allowing to calculate the dynamics of the Galaxy in the past and in the present. On the basis of the kinematical catalog by Breddles et al. [4], containing the three-dimensional velocities of $16\ 146$ nearby stars together with the distances, we selected samples of $451$ stars that kinematically belong to the thick disk of the Galaxy. Using our samples we performed the analysis of the kinematical properties of the Galactic thick disk. The determined rotational velocity of the thick disk located near the Galactic mid-plane is about $200$ km/s, and this value is consistent with the determinations of other authors [7; 21]. The components of the velocity dispersion of the thick disk (${\sigma}_R = 93,4 \pm 15,2$ km/s; ${\sigma}_{\Theta} = 68,1 \pm 5,9$ km/s; ${\sigma}_Z = 54,8 \pm 1,8$ km/s) are larger, compared to other determinations. This fact may testify in favor of the presence of the dark matter in the Galactic thick disk.

Keywords: thick disk, kinematics, rotational velocity, dispersion of velocities.

UDC: 524.7-8
BBK: 22.193

DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu1.2014.6.2

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025