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JOURNALS // Vestnik Yuzhno-Ural'skogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya "Matematika. Mekhanika. Fizika" // Archive

Vestn. Yuzhno-Ural. Gos. Un-ta. Ser. Matem. Mekh. Fiz., 2015 Volume 7, Issue 1, Pages 57–64 (Mi vyurm212)


The transmitter and ultrasound receiver for non-contact quality control of thin-sheet metal products

Yu. V. Petrov, S. Yu. Gurevich, E. V. Golubev

South Ural State University

Abstract: A broadband EMA receiver with symmetric and antisymmetric ultrasound Lamb waves with sufficient for practical purposes sensitivity and reliability was designed, manufactured and tested in the laboratory.
Research has been conducted to identify dependences of main characteristics of ultrasonic Lamb waves excited in metal plates on geometrical and energy parameters of thermal-optic emitter (TO) — the heated zone of the metal surface during its radiation by nanosecond optical pulses.
According to the research and based on the tasks, recommendations were made to select optimal geometric and energy parameters of the TO ultrasound emitter in creating devices for the quality control of thin-sheet metal products. The basis of such devices is a pulsed laser which enables to produce a TO transmitter and a wideband EMA receiver.

Keywords: ultrasonic Lamb waves; laser excitation; the thermo-optical transducer; broadband EMA receiver.

UDC: 534.2, 537.6

Received: 20.05.2014

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