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JOURNALS // Vestnik Yuzhno-Ural'skogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya "Matematika. Mekhanika. Fizika" // Archive

Vestn. Yuzhno-Ural. Gos. Un-ta. Ser. Matem. Mekh. Fiz., 2015 Volume 7, Issue 1, Pages 65–67 (Mi vyurm213)


Boris Anisimovitch Bondarenko. To the 90-th anniversary

V. I. Zalyapina, V. V. Karachika, L. D. Menikhesa, Ye. V. Kharitonovab

a South Ural State University
b Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Abstract: October 19, 2013 is celebrated as 90 years since the birth and 60 years of scientific and pedagogical activity of a well-known scientist Boris Anisimovitch Bondarenko, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, an Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.
Professor B. A. Bondarenko is widely known not only in our country but also abroad. He made a significant contribution to the mathematical analysis and the theory of functions, differential equations and the mathematical theory of elasticity, discrete mathematics and the combinatorial analysis.

Keywords: personnel; anniversary; creative biography.

UDC: 518:51(09)

Received: 19.12.2014

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