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JOURNALS // Vestnik Yuzhno-Ural'skogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya "Matematika. Mekhanika. Fizika" // Archive

Vestn. Yuzhno-Ural. Gos. Un-ta. Ser. Matem. Mekh. Fiz., 2016 Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 72–75 (Mi vyurm292)


Anatoliy Semenovich Makarov. To the 70$^{\mathrm{th}}$ anniversary

S. A. Zagrebinaa, V. I. Zalyapina, M. M. Kipnisb, S. V. Korzhakovab, G. A. Sviridyuka

a South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
b Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk, Russia

Abstract: On August 18 of the year 2015 we celebrate the 70-th anniversary of Anatoliy Semenovich Makarov, PhD, professor, one of the organizers of mathematical education in Chelyabinsk, who served for many years (1985–2011) as the head of the department of mathematical analysis of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University.

Keywords: personalia; anniversary; biography.

Received: 01.12.2015

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