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JOURNALS // Vestnik Yuzhno-Ural'skogo Universiteta. Seriya Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie i Programmirovanie // Archive

Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 2017 Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 70–96 (Mi vyuru359)

This article is cited in 1 paper

Mathematical Modelling

New results on complete elliptic equations with Robin boundary coefficient-operator conditions in non commutative case

M. Cheggaga, A. Favinib, R. Labbasc, S. Maingotc, Kh. Ould Melhad

a Ecole Nationale Polytechnique d'Oran, Oran, Algérie
b Dipartimento di Matematica, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Bologna, Italia
c Normandie Univ, Le Havre, France
d Laboratoire de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, Université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis, Mostaganem, Algérie

Abstract: In this paper, we prove some new results on operational second order differential equations of elliptic type with general Robin boundary conditions in a non-commutative framework. The study is performed when the second member belongs to a Sobolev space. Existence, uniqueness and optimal regularity of the classical solution are proved using interpolation theory and results on the class of operators with bounded imaginary powers. We also give an example to which our theory applies. This paper improves naturally the ones studied in the commutative case by M. Cheggag, A. Favini, R. Labbas, S. Maingot and A. Medeghri: in fact, introducing some operational commutator, we generalize the representation formula of the solution given in the commutative case and prove that this representation has the desired regularity.

Keywords: second-order elliptic differential equations; Robin boundary conditions in non commutative cases; analytic semigroup; maximal regularity.

UDC: 517.9

MSC: 35J20, 35J40

Received: 09.11.2016

Language: English

DOI: 10.14529/mmp170105

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