This paper considers a high-speed interconnect with a multidimensional topology. The paper is devoted to the optimization of fragmentation resulting from sequential allocation of computing nodes in a supercomputer provided that network traffic from different user’s tasks should not overlap. This paper is the continuation of resources fragmentation optimization work. In this work, the method for scheduling tasks based on the policy of choosing the first suitable task (First-Fit) in a certain task window has been added to the accounting for fragmentation when choosing nodes. A set of different computer systems with three-dimensional and four-dimensional topologies was considered. The minimum system size is 32 computing nodes, and the maximum is 144. A synthetic queue of tasks is set for each system. The parameters of the synthetic queues are close to real ones and are based on data received from the Desmos cluster equipped with Angara interconnect. The average utilization of the resources of the computer system and the average waiting time for the tasks in the queue is chosen as a method quality criterion. Various sizes of task windows have been evalauated. The study showed that the increase of the resources utilization for the proposed method averaged 7 % compared to the base method, and the average time spent in queue was reduced by 36.6 %.