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JOURNALS // Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI // Archive

Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 2000 Volume 270, Pages 350–363 (Mi znsl1343)

This article is cited in 1 paper

An example of a fast decaying $(p,A)$-lacunary function

N. A. Shirokov

Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University

Abstract: A function $f(z)=\sum^\infty_{k=0}a_kz^{n_k}$ analytic in the unit disc is said be $(p,A)$-lacunary if $n_k\ge Ak^p$, $1<p<\infty$, $A>0$ for all $k\ge0$. For $1<p<2$, $A>0$, a $(p,A)$-lacunary function $f_{1,p,A}(z)$ is constructed that decays as $x\to1-0$ almost optimally.

UDC: 517.5

Received: 05.01.2000

 English version:
Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York), 2003, 115:2, 2287–2295

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