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JOURNALS // Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI // Archive

Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 2002 Volume 293, Pages 149–180 (Mi znsl1681)

Intertible infinitary calculus without loop rules for a restricted FTL

R. Pliuškevičius

Institute of Mathematics and Informatics

Abstract: In the paper a fragment of first order linear time logic (with operators “next” and “always”) is considered. The object under investigation in this fragment is so-called $t$-$D$-sequents. For cosidered $t$-$D$-sequents invertible infinitary sequent calculus $G^+_\omega$ is constructed. This calculus has no loop rules, i.e. rules with duplications of a main formula in the premises of the rules. The calculus $G^+_\omega$ along with $\omega$-type rule for the temporal operator “always” contains an integrated separation rule $(IS)$ which includes the traditional loop-type rule $(\Box\to)$, a special rule $(\forall\to)$ (without duplication of a main formula) and traditional rule for the temporal operator “next”. The rule $(\to\exists)$ is incorporated in an axiom. The soundness and $\omega$-completeness of the constructed calculus $G^+_\omega$ are proved.

UDC: 510.643

Received: 15.12.2002

Language: English

 English version:
Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York), 2005, 126:3, 1210–1228

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