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JOURNALS // Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI // Archive

Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 1981 Volume 111, Pages 162–176 (Mi znsl1794)

An experiment with parallel processing of computational processes modeled by bilogic graphs

V. S. Sokhranskaya, T. A. Tushkina

Abstract: The article considers the execution of a computational processes represented by a bilogic graph on a homogeneous multiprocessor system (MS). A series of static-dynamic dispatching methods is considered with the aid of simulation. The statistical material is generated by simulating five real processes on MS with different number of processors. The dispatching methods are compared on three levels: efficiency of MS utilization, method complexity, and accuracy of the heuristic method. For an arbitrary program defined by a bilogic graph with unit length operators, a preliminary analysis technique is proposed to select the most appropriate method of parallel processing for the program and the number of processors maximizing the MS utilization efficiency (for BÉSM-6 the corresponding program is available).

UDC: 681.3.06; 51

 English version:
Journal of Soviet Mathematics, 1984, 24:1, 107–117

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