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4 papers
Boundary value problems for the bi-harmonic equation and for the iterated Laplacian in a three-dimensional domain with an edge
S. A. Nazarova,
G. H. Sweersb a Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences
b Delft University of Technology
For domains
$\Omega$ with piecewise smooth boundaries the generalized solution
$u\in W^2_2(\Omega)$ of the equation
$\Delta_x^2u=f$ with the boundary conditions
$u=\Delta_xu=0$ in general cannot be obtained by solving iteratively a system of two Poisson equations under homogeneous Dirichlet conditions. Such a system is obtained by setting
$v=-\Delta u$. In the two-dimensional case this fact is known as the Sapongyan paradox in the theory of simply supported polygonal plates. In the present paper the three-dimensional problem is investigated for a domain with a smooth edge
$\Gamma$. If the variable opening angle
$\alpha\in C^\infty(\Gamma)$ is less than
$\pi$ everywhere on the edge, the boundary value problem for the bi-harmonic equation is equivalent to the iterated Dirichlet problem and its solution
inherits the positivity preserving property from these problems. In the case that
$\alpha\in(\pi,2\pi)$ the procedure of solving the two Dirichlet problems must be modified by permitting an
infinite-dimensional kernel and co-kernel of operators and determining the solution
$u\in W^2_2(\Omega)$ through inverting a certain integral operator on the contour
$\Gamma$. If
$\alpha(s)\in(3\pi/2,2\pi)$ for a point
$s\in\Gamma$ then there exists a non-negative function
$f\in L_2(\Omega)$ for which the solution
$u$ changes sign inside the domain
$\Omega$. In the case of the crack, that is (
$\alpha=2\pi$ everywhere on
$\Gamma$), one needs to introduce a special scale of weighted function spaces. Also there the positivity preserving property fails. In some geometrical situations the questions of a correct setting for the boundary value
problem of the bi-harmonic equation and the positivity property remain open.
Received: 30.01.2005