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1 paper
Filling the gap between the Gerschgorin and Brualdi theorems
L. Yu. Kolotilina St. Petersburg Department of V. A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences
The paper presents new diagonal dominance type nonsingularity conditions for
$n\times n$ matrices formulated in terms of circuits of length not exceeding a fixed number
$r\ge 0$ and simple paths of length
$r$ in the digraph of the matrix. These conditions are intermediate between the diagonal dominance conditions in terms of all paths of length
$r$ and Brualdi's diagonal dominance conditions, involving all the circuits. For
$r=0$, the new conditions reduce to the standard row diagonal dominance conditions
$|a_{ii}|\ge\sum\limits_{j\ne i}|a_{ij}|$,
$i=1,\dots,n$, whereas for
$r=n$ they coincide with the Brualdi circuit conditions. Thus, they connect the classical Lévy–Desplanques theorem and the Brualdi theorem, yielding a family of sufficient nonsingularity conditions. Further, for irreducible matrices satisfying the new diagonal dominance conditions with nonstrict inequalities, the singularity/nonsingularity problem is solved. Also the new sufficient diagonal dominance conditions are extended to the so-called mixed conditions, simultaneously involving the deleted row and column sums of an arbitrary finite set of matrices diagonally conjugated to a given one, which, in the simplest nontrivial case, reduce to the old-known Ostrowski conditions $|a_{ii}|>(\sum\limits_{j\ne i}|a_{ij}|)^\alpha\;(\sum\limits_{j\ne i} |a_{ji}|)^{1-\alpha}$,
$0\le\alpha\le 1$. The nonsingularity conditions obtained are used to provide new eigenvalue inclusion sets, depending on
$r$, which, as
$r$ varies from 0 to
$n$, serve as a bridge connecting the union of Gerschgorin's disks with the Brualdi inclusion set.
512.643 Received: 28.04.2006